Holocaust Memorials

The visits to the Sachsenhausen Concentration camp as well as the holocaust museum were grim reminders of what humanity can be like at its worst. One of the things that stuck out to me was the extent and the lengths gone to strip away the humanity and individuality of everyone victimized.

Any personal information found related to the Jews and everyone else imprisoned was targeted and destroyed, which is primarily why there are so many undocumented people among the victims, and why personal information regarding them is so hard to track down.

By treating victims inhumanly, the only concern would be on how efficiently they can be herded and killed. I specifically remember from one of the audio logs in Sachsenhausen how German soldiers in the camps were encouraged to quickly mow down people, with the most efficient soldiers getting a raise. What also struck me was an alternative name they gave for a mass firing, which was called “Operation Harvest Festival”.

Given all of this, I admire the detailed memorials made for the victims whose information was found, in order to preserve what would otherwise be destroyed. In the museum, there were detailed memorials to families, ranging from bloodlines to professions. There was also a room that read names continually, along with descriptions about them.


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