First Week Impressions

About to get on a flight for the Netherlands where we almost lost 2 people pictured here. Also, please note the beautiful Truss Pin in the upper left.

The fact that we have only been here a little over a week seems so weird. I have grown rather accustomed to being in Berlin – much faster than I thought I would. I have gotten used to the public transport, the time change, and all the other changes that I thought would take me much longer. I have grown to quite enjoy it here and feel quite comfortable.

There are a variety of things that surprised me about Berlin. Mainly, how much people smoke and how they just litter their butts everywhere, even though there are so many bins to prevent that. I am also surprised by the number of dogs everywhere. People have tons of dogs in parks but they’re also on the trains, buses, and sidewalks across the city. This realization made me miss my dog and my family. Fortunately, I have been able to call my mom which helps.

I really wish the United States had the great public transport system that they have hear. I never thought I could adore something so dull, but the buses are clean, efficient, on time, and almost stress-free. I really like how they don’t always check if you have a pass but may instead randomly check at any time. It’s so efficient and nice. I really like a lot of things here and have a lot of other things I wish we had in the States from the Paper Towels to abundance of art and sculptors.



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