
The Summer Program in Germany was an amazing experience that I am very glad to have participated in.  From our classes and to the history and culture of Germany, I have benefited much.  Going into it, I had a little anxiety about being able to communicate since I only had one semester of German under my belt, but that was not much of a problem: most of the people we talked to were able to speak English, and I picked up on much more German than I expected.

On an average week, we would spend Monday through Thursday in our Statics and Dynamics course with Professors De Rooy and Nielsen in the mornings and our German language and culture course with professors from the Technical University of Berlin in the afternoons.  The rest of the day would be spent doing homework, studying for tests, and enjoying the sights of Berlin.  Then on Fridays through Sundays, we would take short trips to other cities in Germany to learn about their respective histories.  Some of those cities were Koln, Wittenberg, and Bremen.  Wherever we were on Sunday, our professors would find a church for us to attend, and they were usually grand cathedrals.  Also during the weekend, we would all eat together at a nice restaurant and have German cuisine.

I can say very few negative things about this trip, and am still in awe that I was able to spend six weeks in Germany.  This will truly be an experience that I will treasure for the rest of my life.

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