Tschüss, Deutschland!

I think I can confidently say that this summer was the best summer of my life.

Right away, Berlin felt like home. I was amazed at how quickly everything became routine, such as using public transportation. Coming from a tiny town in southern Michigan, I had never experienced using really any sort of public transportation, so that was super cool to figure out and actually take advantage of. As a group we sort of became like a family. We would hang out, get cheap food from local stands, do homework together, and even cook family-style meals in the microwave. That was something that I was not really expecting, mostly because I did not really know anyone before this trip, but was probably my favorite part.

Along with the camaraderie that this trip fostered, we were immersed directly into Germany and German culture. Having some knowledge of the German language, we were able to have (very) basic conversations with locals in their own language, which was super cool. I loved being able to respect and appreciate German culture by regularly using the language. It also forced me to step outside of my comfort zone and actually start learning a language for more than just random vocabulary and some simple grammar. It is much different learning a language when you are surrounded by it than when you learn it in a classroom.

Germany has so much history, some very recent, so that was pretty amazing to be able to take a step back and experience where and why some major events happened. There were some really hard days, like when we visited Sachsenhausen, or when we went to the Holocaust Museum. But there were also some really fun days, like the day that we visited Potsdam and saw three really, really big castles and just enjoyed each others’ company.

All in all, this trip was something that I will remember for the rest of my life, and something that I am beyond grateful I got the opportunity to do. I made myself comfortable in a big city, made friendships that I hope last a really long time, learned German, and learned about some really sad things, and some really cool things. To anyone not sure about going on this trip in future years, do it. It will be one of the best experiences of your life.

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