First week!

Germany was a lot to take in to be honest and our first week went by in a flash. I was overwhelmed by the transport system as I spent half the time trying to avoid getting closed between the hasty S-Bahn and U-bahn doors and figuring out the bus and train routes. I was also still a bit jet lagged so it made things a bit harder. I absolutely loved my first meal in Berlin, introduced to me by Professor DeRooy, currywurst. It also came as a shock to me that you could get run over by a cyclist if you stood on the bike path.


Blog Question 4

How did learning about Martin Luther affect you? If it didn’t affect you in anyway then why not?

It didn’t affect me much at all because he seems like a historical figure to me. Not someone who I thought about much over the trip at all. I knew a lot about Martin Luther before I went on this trip but learning about him again gave me a nice refresher.


Wittenberg was a smaller city than I imagined. It was also extremely quiet for a city with so much history. Martin Luther arguably changed the christian religion as we knew it. the church service was wonderful even though it was in German. The church was also beautiful. honestly i expected more tourists for a city that changed the christian religion.

Reflection on Wittenburg

Indeed, the congregation and pastor at the church in Wittenburg seemed excited by our presence in the church. However, I can bless the congregation in my home church by engaging in church activities such as singing in the choir, joining the prayer or evangelism team, and many more. Currently, I am a member of the prayer team at my home church. I normally lead the meetings when I travel back there during Christmas.

Wittenberg Reflections

The most interesting part, I feel, of Wittenberg is Martin Luther’s house. This house seemed to make the processes and events of the reformation come alive. This said, a part that came alive to me that I feel is important to mention was just how flawed Martin Luther was. Thing is, people like him are portrayed as saints fighting for noble causes. However, many of these people also have serious flaws and faults that history fails—or simply forgets– to mention. For example, Martin Luther “published four anti-Jewish tracts” in which he “advocated, among other things, that recalcitrant Jews should be expelled from the country and their synagogues burned.”

So while we continuously remember and celebrate our “heroes”, we must remember that – like everybody else—they were flawed