Holocaust museum

Before the trip, I was not the most enthused about the prospect of visiting the holocaust museum or the concentration camp. I anticipated an emotionally draining experience but then ended up appreciating the educational value it possessed. Like many others, I had reservations about the “constant reminders” of such dark times. I later reached the conclusion that it is a significant account of history to constantly remind generations to come and educate them on better ways to live their lives or not to, for that matter.


Wittenberg was a smaller city than I imagined. It was also extremely quiet for a city with so much history. Martin Luther arguably changed the christian religion as we knew it. the church service was wonderful even though it was in German. The church was also beautiful. honestly i expected more tourists for a city that changed the christian religion.


Our trip to Bremen was really amazing our boat ride around the harbor was really interesting. I also found the bremenstatmusikant really interesting and how the folklore behind the donkey, cat and the fowl fits in with the history  of the beautiful city.


The trip to the Koln Cathedral was pretty surreal. I have been to many Catholic churches but The Koln Dom stands out among the rest. Even though the church service was conducted in Latin and German, it was performed exactly as any other catholic church I have been to. It was also amazing how a lot tourists were waiting to have a look inside the church after the service

World War II

My personal thoughts and feelings about the second world war before this trip was basically how powerful men tried to get more power at any means necessary, But our visit to the concentration camp at Sachsenhausen was visually enlightening. Seeing how humans were treated like animals by their fellow humans showed how the second world war exceeded the quest for power but was a showcase of how deep human hatred for one another can be.

Sachsenhausen Concentration Camp

On a rather gloomy Friday, we went to Sachsenhausen Concentration Camp. One of the things I am impressed with the most is the attention to detail. Even though some of the original buildings have been removed and the videos they show are outdated, all the stories told and scenes described are so specific and individual to the real-life characters that lived out their days in the camp. It is clear that the preservation of the camp is to portray the horrors and pain felt there in the most tangible and feasible way possible to those who go to visit. By telling the stories of real people with names, histories, and families, the entire camp comes even more to life, although it’s functioning days are long gone. The descriptions are at times so vivid that you can almost see the scene as if you are there amongst it. Of course, this makes the entire experience of visiting Sachsenhausen perhaps one of the most difficult in Germany. And for that, I applaud the German people for not shying away from the terrors that took place in their country and by their predecessors. I am also encouraged by their desire to preserve their country’s history and hope to see other countries do the same in order to celebrate the victories and mourn the losses that have and will continue to shape our world.